Early-bird registration is now open for the 2019 Automotive Communications Council (ACC) annual conference to be held April 9-10in San Antonio, Texas at the historic Menger Hotel. The ACC event begins with an informal “Welcome” reception the evening of Monday, April 8. Start time is 7:00 a.m. both days, with the event concluding at 3:30 p.m. on April 10.
“The ACC is very excited about this year’s jam packed agenda including industry experts, our always popular technician panel, as well as professional marketing influencers delivering a wide variety of exciting and educational topics to our attendees,” said Georgianne Dickey, ACC vice president and senior product and marketing communications manager for NTN Bearing Corporation of America.
The annual ACC conference is the one time each year that automotive aftermarket marketing professionals get together and talk about issues and topics that specifically reference what matters to us most” continues Georgianne. “We have some of the greatest marketing minds in the industry who are willing to share their knowledge, as well as new marketers who are eager to learn and offer new perspectives. Everyone from suppliers, distributors, service providers, even shop owners come together and collaborate on marketing best practices and learn how we can reach our goals together.”
The early-bird registration fee is $450 for ACC members, and $550 for non-members. After March 8, the conference fee will increase by $100. Membership in ACC is available to marketing and communication professionals at all levels throughout the auto care industry. Hotel reservations should be booked directly with the Menger Hotel at https://reservations.mengerhotel.com/75799?groupID=2160832#/guestsandrooms. The guaranteed rate of $179 per night is only available through March 8, and is applicable for one day before the conference dates. After 5:00 p.m. EST on March 8, the reduced rate will no longer be available.
For more information or to register, visit the ACC website [https://acc-online.org] or contact Georgianne Dickey at (847) 298-7500 ext. 20463 or email info@acc-online.org [mailto:info@acc-online.org]. Additional information can also be found on Facebook, under the Automotive Communications Council page [https://www.facebook.com/AutomotiveCommunicationCouncil/].